Blog: Washington DC


Date: Sept. 28, 2014

Do everything in your power to fight the DC "insider class", which is managing the decline of America in exchange for ill-gotten power and false prestige.

A strong America, with a powerhouse economy, is not only possible, but is readily attainable if we could just clean up the DC cesspool, and their "a weak America is preferable" ideology, and allow our country to roar back.

Here are some simple steps to rebuild American strength while, most importantly, reestablishing that big, bold, uniquely American individual liberty, which should never be sacrificed in the name of false security.

-Build the border fence and take amnesty off the table.

-Rebuild our military by bringing them back home and fighting endless mission creep.

-Refocus our intelligence infrastructure towards America's enemies and away from mass collection.

-Eliminate the many duplicative missions of our federal law enforcement bureaucracy and make sure that we retain, reward and hire the best federal agents in the world.

If we combined these necessary reforms with aggressive tax reforms, which would allow American businesses to bring home the trillions of dollars currently sitting overseas, due to our broken tax policy, then the insiders who prefer a managed decline of this great country would not find refuge anywhere.

I'm tired of hearing from some in the insider crowd and their endless apologies for America. We are a country of exceptional, but fallible, people. It's not our historical and current missteps that define us, but our ability to overcome them and do the big things that no country in the history of the world has ever been able to accomplish that defines us. We deserve a new set of people in DC who believe that we should be proud again in America.

I love this place and, despite our current difficulties, there is no better time, and no better place, to be alive than in this place, right now. God bless America and all those who defend her.
